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Misty Forest Reflection

What happens during a Non-duality meeting?

To schedule a Non-Duality meeting email


MEETING: 70 minutes 90 USD


The session is held online. A link to a Zoom video meeting will be sent prior to the start of the meeting. 


Non dual meetings for awakening and integration


The non-duality sessions go straight to the point without fluff or spiritual jargon. It´s about perceiving awareness in its undistorted state, prior to any and all qualities and attributes. The teacher is firmly abiding in this natural state and guides the client to move out of the egos self imposed grid of beliefs and assumptions into their unmoved true nature. The meeting is recommended for people who have a serious yearning for non-dual realisation and who’s is open to question all they ever held to be true. Even though sessions are fun, is not about entertainment or philosophical stimulation. It is the meeting for those who want to awaken NOW. If you are tired of seeking far and wide for the true non-dual nature, this meeting is for you.


Meetings can also center on the post awakening stage with deepening and embodiment as primary issue. Awakening is not the end, its the beginning! Awakening into any level of non-duality can be a wild ride with many potential areas of confusion and imbalance. To be assisted by somebody who navigates this field can be of immense help to understand, deepen and integrate the awakening into the true liberation that is desired.


The meeting is focused on:


  • Questioning the nature of individuality

  • Direct pointing to the Absolute state of liberation

  • Dissecting the ego mind and blockages to non-duality

  • Guided procedures and contemplations to access perception of non-duality

  • Dispelling myths about the state of non-dual enlightenment

  • Understanding multidimensional thought and identity.

  • How to integrate the infinite in finite

  • How to ground the awakening into a meaningful lifestyle of happiness   

       + much more!

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